Miyerkules, Mayo 5, 2021

Why Joe Flacco is ELITE Part One

Superbowl MVP.
Super Bowl Winner.
40 thousand passing yards.

The player that I am describing in the lines is ELITE Joe Flacco. Now, you may be thinking that I’m joking. But it could be farther from that. Joe Flacco is a top 1% athlete, and a Superbowl Winner. How many QBs have done that? As starters, less than 60. Flacco is ELITE.
Now, 40k passing yards. According to Pro-Football-Referencehttps://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/pass_yds_career.htm, Joe, ELITE, Flacco is 19th on the all time passing yards rank. I‘m not saying that Flacco is the greatest of all time, although there is a case for that. I’m saying that Flacco is ELITE. You might be asking, ”But, ELITEJacobEason, what makes a QB ELITE?”
According to https://howtheyplay.com/team-sports/What-are-the-Qualities-of-an-Elite-NFL-Quarterback, the following make an NFL QB ELITE.
1. Arm Strength and Accuracy.
2. Sixth sense, ball placement.
3. Learns offense and executes it.
4. Studies film.
5.Ability to quickly scan the entire field to find the most open receiver.
6. Mastery of the 2-minute offense.
7. Demonstrates leadership on the field; motivates and makes other players better.
8. Openly shares his appreciation and all success with the other members on the team.
9.The ability to lead a team back to victory in the fourth quarter
10.Rises to the occasion in all games; even more so in big game
11. Wins championships.
12. Have the last name Flacco

Does Flacco have arm strength and accuracy?https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1259428-baltimore-ravens-how-does-joe-flacco-rate-among-nfl-quarterbacks. According to that article, Flacco has a 10/10 arm strength, and around an 8 in accuracy. This was 2012, but it still carries weight. Sixth sense and ball placement. The same article says that Flacco has a five in pocket presence and fumbles a lot. But, Flacco still has that sixth sense. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/football-insider/post/shanahan-griffin-cousins-have-qb-sixth-sense/2012/08/21/9c39ff1e-eb83-11e1-a80b-9f898562d010_blog.html. Mike Shanahan, long time NFL Coach, father of fashion model Kyle Shanahan(https://www.sfchronicle.com/49ers/ostler/article/49ers-Kyle-Shanahan-talks-fashion-sets-loose-15009032.php) says, “For most people it’s pretty instinctive,” Shanahan explained. “Most quarterbacks have a focus downfield, where they’re looking at the coverages. You can’t look at the rush. You feel the rush. The guys that usually look at the rush have a hard time reading coverages.” Flacco feels the rush, and while pocket presence, according to Bleacher Report, is his worst QB trait, is still a good QB. JOE FLACCO IS ELITE.

Learns offense and executes it. Flacco does that. He is a hard worker, and an icon for many people. He can scan the fields, as Flacco has two eyes. Mastery of the Two Minute offense. Flacco can play offense for two minutes. https://www.denverpost.com/2019/10/13/joe-flacco-leadership-broncos-coaches-teammates/. Flacco is a leader. Openly shares his appreciation with his teammates. https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/teammates-rally-joe-flacco-ray-lewis-comments/story?id=43642686. Yes, he does.
Ability to lead comeback. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/comeback.cgi?player=FlacJo00. And, of course, the Mile High Stadium Play. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwitydWttLHwAhWGWc0KHXc7B2wQwqsBMAB6BAgJEAk&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DHmRYZOuXHrA&usg=AOvVaw2eI51u-h9ZyZMCnPTf19FI.

Rises to the occasion, wins championships, check. Playoffs and Super Bowl.

Finally, have the last name Flacco. Check.
Joe Flacco is ELITE.

Here is a YouTube video of my favorite series talking about how ELITE Joe Flacco is.
I only had thirty minutes to make this, so some of its not well explained, but if you want more leave suggestion in the comments. MaKe Sure To LiKE and SubScribe!

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