Linggo, Hunyo 19, 2022

[OC] Path to the Championship - The End

The Championship

The Path to the Championship is narrow.

But one familiar with its twists and bends can find sure footing where the inexperienced stumble.

Exhaustion swept through the Warrior. His journey had reached its end.

The breath ran ragged from his heaving chest and sweat matted strands of black hair against his forehead. A shudder of relief flooded through his body as he stood victorious over the fallen Celtic.

The Warrior’s eyes studied the departed’s now pale face, and he realized how young the ferocious fighter had been. The green-garbed corpse at his feet could not have seen two decades, perhaps only 19 years of age. Those youthful eyes, only moments ago bright with the fire of battle, now stared vacantly into the sky.

The Warrior bowed his head and beseeched the spirits to guide this noble foe safely to The Great Plain Beyond, where the worthy are said to find peace at the end of The Path.

Some combatants would only walk The Path once in a lifetime. Others would find their souls called to this desolate place again and again. The Warrior sensed that this young Celtic warrior would tread this treacherous Path many times, as he once had.

A glint of gold, and the promise of immortality alongside the Champions of old, whispered softly to the Warrior. His hand lifted of its own accord and grasped the golden sphere. A familiar, cold power rushed into the Warrior’s body, bolting from his outstretched hand through to every fiber of his being.

The sinews of his muscles drew taut and he gasped at the surge of power.

He had almost forgotten.

Memories of long nights spent wondering if he would ever again hear the beckoning call of The Path rushed through him. Foes slainn, triumphant victories, and shattering defeats flitted feverishly across his mind’s eye.

He squeezed his eyes shut against the force of the visions, reeling.

The Path threatened to overwhelm and shred this final, arrogant claimant to the promised power.

A reluctant, wrathful wail screamed in his ears.

“Foolish Warrior, there is no way through! Go back! You have failed!”

Then, suddenly, stillness.

Silence settled over the battleground.

The Warrior opened his eyes.

And grinned.

The Path to the Championship is narrow.

Where raw, unrestrained force found an unyielding barrier, veteran guile sought cracks in the surface, and was rewarded.

A Warrior crowned. A Celtic claimed.

What tale will be written when next that clarion call sounds? When sixteen Championship hopefuls are called to The Path?

Listen to the winds, Reader.

Listen closely.

The Path beckons…

The Warriors' Path

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